
  • Alannah Ford posted an update in the group Group logo of My Favorite PodcastMy Favorite Podcast 1 weeks, 2 days ago

    Hello Everyone!

    I am a pretty avid podcast listener, and my current favorite is “If Books Could Kill” with Michael Hobbes and Peter Shamshiri! The tagline is “The airport best sellers that captured our hearts and ruined our minds.” I really enjoy their commitment to the project – they not only read the book, but perform deep research and express the importance of appropriately disseminating information on often complex topics. They are are also (in my opinion) incredibly funny and entertaining educators!

    • I also love that podcast! Their comments are so funny. I’ve read a lot of the non-fiction bestsellers and also been part of a non-fiction book club for years, and it’s always a trip when they dive into something I already read–Atomic Habits, Freakonomics, Nudge, Lean In. In fact, it’s often cathartic!