
Category: Announcements

Assignment Updates

Greetings all in my section! Please see below and take a look at the updated assignment for the LIS Model/Theory assignment. I will alert you as each major assignment helpers are combined into the assignment pages. Post questions below. Image: the winter weather just keeps coming in northern Michigan Dear INFO 200 Students, I’m writing […]

Please Add to Your Feedly!

Hey all say hello to @finchwell  @majerlesimpler and @ssherwo Please add: https://ischoolblogs.sjsu.edu/info/finchwell/ https://ischoolblogs.sjsu.edu/info/majerlesimpler/ https://ischoolblogs.sjsu.edu/info/thewynterwild/   To add: Copy the URL and click on the icon for adding + a feed on the left hand side of Feedly. Paste the URL in and follow. Add it to the group for for our class.  

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