Getting Started with…Choosing Your Community

This is the first of several “Getting Started posts. This one will help you with Choosing Your Community:

  • Blog Post #2: Describe the Information Community you are choosing to explore for the course and the research paper. Utilize Fisher and Fulton’s definition and characteristics of Information Communities to describe your choice to the class.

All of the assignments this semester will center on the information needs and information-seeking behaviors of the Information Community you choose as your focus within the first few weeks of term. Using LIS databases and other pertinent information sources, you will locate secondary sources about your Information Community’s information needs and information-seeking behaviors for use in blog posts and formal assignments. Researching and synthesizing the information needs and information-seeking behaviors of your focus community requires a balance in objectivity and affinity for the information community you select. For example, a crucial part of your research paper will be to not only investigate your information community, but also apply relevant information behavior theories to frame your findings. Some students have chosen communities because of a great interest, current participation in or a fascination with the community but have had difficulty meeting the assignment requirements focused on information seeking and behavior. 

For more, please read the Choosing Your Community page.

Action Items:

  • Join the Choosing your Community group and share in the discussion.
  • Complete the readings and view the recordings provided through Module #2, which should provide you with a solid understanding of the definition of an information community. Module #2 will provide background in locating research articles AND citing your sources.
  • Email or message @michael with questions or thoughts on your community as needed.
  • Read over the assignment synthesis examples to see how it all fits together.

Then work on your blog post using the Assignment Helper: Blog Reports.  (Scroll down for the Helper!)

Blog Post #2: Describe the Information Community you are choosing to explore for the course and the research paper. Utilize Fisher & Bishop’s definition and characteristics of Information Communities to describe your choice to the class.

  • Be sure to cite Fisher & Fulton from our course materials as part of your description as well as other readings and resources featured in the lectures.
  • What connections do you see between your chosen community and the definition of information communities?
  • What other readings and resources featured in the lectures do you feel may be useful in exploring with this community?
  • Cite other course resources or your own research as needed.

(Image: Istanbul shopping district, 2011)

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