Links to LRM Videos

Hey all – @kevinm helped me discover I had an old link in the “Getting Started” post for the LRM. Here is the updated version:

Literature Review Matrix

@kevinm also asked for clarification about the column of the LRM devoted to the Theorhetical or Concptual Framework piece. I think the answer may be useful for all:

I spent a bit more time in the newest video on that column. From the recording:

I want to hone in on the theoretical and conceptual framework section. That is, are they testing a theory or a model, for example, maybe they’re using information poverty or everyday life information seeking or radical change theory or something like that. That would go in there. 
If it’s a conceptual framework, it may be testing a certain concept related to the information community and their information behaviors and needs.

This may be of interest too – from a ResearchGate definition:

A conceptual paper is a type of research paper that discusses one or more abstract or theoretical concepts or ideas. It usually includes a discussion of the relevant literature and a description of the concept(s) being addressed. Conceptual papers typically aim to propose new or enhanced theories or frameworks, or to suggest new directions for research.


5 thoughts on “Links to LRM Videos

    1. Michael Stephens Post author

      @mkane Yes. I did some searches:

      This from USC is good:,to%20investigate%20the%20research%20problem.

      “Theories are formulated to explain, predict, and understand phenomena and, in many cases, to challenge and extend existing knowledge within the limits of critical bounded assumptions or predictions of behavior. The theoretical framework is the structure that can hold or support a theory of a research study. The theoretical framework encompasses not just the theory, but the narrative explanation about how the researcher engages in using the theory and its underlying assumptions to investigate the research problem.”

      So for example, a researcher is looking at the information behaviors of those in rural areas where there’s not a lot of connectivity and socioeconomic issues. Perhaps the researcher uses information poverty, as a theoretical framework, to explore the information behaviors of people that live in places like that. In other words, they might be applying or testing the theory.

  1. Michael Stephens Post author

    @mkane This is interesting although geared for doctoral students:

    The video has sections so take look at the ones on theory and concepts.

    This goes deep into the idea of creating a textual or visual representation of the elements of the study:

    That said, I am not looking for super in depth understanding of the various nuances of research studies. A general statement such as “This paper uses the SL model to explore the positive emotions related to information seeking and sharing. This is an emerging area of study.” (Tiny House example) Or “Researchers sought to understand information-seeking behavior in the framework of social media access, the reason for accessing that sort of social media, and the subjects’ demographics and personality under study.” (Homesteaders example)

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