Greetings to everyone in my INFO 200 Section – We’re going to create an OPML* file for our course blogs so you can add them easily to Feedly or some other aggregator/reader to monitor our course. As noted in the getting started posts, you will also be using your blog created for INFO 203 for reflection blogging at our companion site: Both this site and the Community Site run on WordPress and Buddypress.
Action Item: Please share your blog URL from the Community Site as a comment on this post. The URL should look something like this:
Note: This is probably your first comment on the site so it will have to be approved by me. After that, all comments on our course blog you leave will automatically be published. The same goes for comments on your blog – you will need to approve comments to start.
Once everyone shares, we will create a little file that can easily be imported in to a feed reader like Feedly. With that monitoring tool in place, you can easily track all the blog posts of your classmates. OPMLs are a collection of a blog or news sites RSS feeds. (For more: OPML: