
  • Katelyn A. posted an update in the group Group logo of Choosing Your Community DiscussionChoosing Your Community Discussion 3 months ago

    Hello! Is anyone else struggling to choose an information community? I kind of feel like there are too many to choose but also worry about having enough information regarding any community I might select.

    • Hello @kataloging – It is early on so it can feel a little worrisome. Module 1 will give you the characteristics of Information Communities and offer some examples. Module 2 will help with some ideas about research. Feel free to post your ideas here etc.

    • I’m right there with you, Katelyn! I have a few ideas, but when I spend time researching articles, I feel like I’m grasping at straws. (Although I know some of our resources will be about information seeking itself.) Plus I don’t know if they’ll hold my interest through the variety of writings that lay ahead. Personally, I’m a little over the place when it comes to communities, thinking possibly K-5 students [maybe too broad but oddly challenging to find info on], professional actors [also challenging as the word “actor” has multiple meanings when searching, and I haven’t really found the aspect within the community I was hoping for], or something around pop culture fandom [although I haven’t done much research on that yet.] What are you thinking about yourself?

      Dr Stephens has told me the same thing as above that it’s still early and the upcoming Module will help give us support, so I am trying to trust the process. 😛

      • @kevinm

        I think this is somehow quite difficult if you’re working closely with an information community already. I keep getting stuck on the primary information community that I serve every day at work. Is it the same for you working in the children’s department?

        I don’t know about your library, but at ours fantasy juvenile fiction and juvenile graphic novels are huge! They love Erin Hunter Warriors series, Tui Sutherland Wings of Fire… And then of course Dav Pilkey’s Dog Man and the BabySitter’s Club graphic novels. We also have increasing need for children’s ASL or other-than-English books. I’m not sure if that inspires anything, but maybe that could give you ideas on how to narrow down your K-5 topic.

        I don’t have a topic yet… Speaking with my supervisor, I might consider retirees (Veterans) but I’m not sure yet. That is an interesting community that we serve and are some of my favorite patrons.

        • Hi @kataloging! I’m actually not working in a children’s department yet, although that’s the goal. Obviously that Information Community is of high interest to me, and I really like your ideas (especially the graphic novel side of things). But I also know I’ll be exploring the community in depth in some of my electives, and I’m intrigued by this idea of serious leisure that Dr Stephens introduced me to (and is displayed in one of the Assignment Synthesis Examples). I’m leaning toward doing something with a huge fan base in pop culture like The Simpsons, and using the information activities of serious leisure as a framework to see how all the people of this community from around the world seek and share information with each other
          Did you have a productive conversation with your supervisor and get closer to deciding? I like your idea of Veteran retirees as I imagine there are a lot of resources that community would be seeking, of which you seem well aware. There are so many veterans with varying experiences, circumstances, and diverse needs, there could be a lot to explore there. Curious to hear where you land.

          • Hi again @kataloging. How’s it coming on your end? I find myself flip flopping between ideas. I’m now back to leaning toward children as a community, partially because of a picture book lecture I attended at a work event that reminded me of my enthusiasm for the topic at large, and also because I love interacting with the kids at the desk as they bring up their pile of books that they’re so excited about (and makes me wonder, how did you decide on these books out of all the others?). I’m trying to figure out what framework might be best and how narrow or broad my focus should be. I wrote to Dr Stephens to get some of his thoughts. This is feeling more right for me and for the project, but I still feel a bit in the wind. How about you?

            • Hey @kevinm! Sorry for disappearing on you there, work was completely hectic this week!

              I’m glad that you’re back to considering child communities again! I keep thinking back to your introductory post in 203 and how you seemed so passionate about the children’s department. Of course you should go whichever direction you feel most solid with, but I imagine there are loads of data about children’s resource usage!

              I apologize as well for misremembering about your library role. As I said in the previous paragraph, your passion really has shown through and I feel like you’re already invested in the mini patrons!

              I recently spoke with my husband and he had a fantastic idea for me that I’m certainly passionate about: history fans/historical societies/reenactment societies. In January we watched a movie retelling of how a lady named Philippa Langley discovered King Richard III’s grave with no formal education or training. It is called The Lost King (2022). I LOVED her story and you can imagine the passion behind the research involved. I also really admire the Society for Creative Anachronism, which is an international group which researches and recreates 17th century life.

              I am going to try to find some sources on both historical reenactment fans and veterans and go from there. I’m sure the latter has far more data but I’m more passionate about the former.

            • @kataloging No reason to apologize at all! This was just me with thoughts swirling around my head trying to figure this puppy out. You’re right about my passion for the children’s department, and I’m excited to figure out where I land with the subject matter. I know we still have a little time, but I want to better visualize where I’m going with this.

              I think your idea is killer. It’s so unique, and there would be so many reason to seek out information and share it within the community. From following the historical trail of information to having meetings and rehearsals to finding authentic clothing to educating audiences and on. You should look into Hektor’s serious leisure and 8 information activities. Could work really well for that. I bet there are more resources than you think. Things like war reenactments and Renaissance fairs are huge. That movie sounds really fascinating too. I can feel your passion about it all. Hope you find some good stuff!