
  • Asia Groves posted an update in the group Group logo of Choosing Your Community DiscussionChoosing Your Community Discussion 3 months, 1 weeks ago

    I have a little brain dump document going for brainstorming my information community, but I’m feeling pretty excited about perhaps researching “job seekers” as an information community. I’m wondering if this is too broad. I already very much enjoy assisting job seekers at work in a public library and Career Services Librarian is my tentative career aspiration, so I would like to get started now learning about their information-seeking behaviors. @michael or anyone else, do you have thoughts?

    • I could be wrong, but I don’t think it’s too broad. As an overall community they have a specific goal and reason to seek and gather information. There’s definitely a good amount of information you may find to explore, but I feel it’s a fairly distinct community.

    • @agroves This is a good choice. I do not know how many specific slides may focus on job seekers but there are surely applicable studies in LIS. The professional practice side will be super interesting for sure. As to theoretical framework perhaps ELIS or ISP? There are probably very interesting online spaces for jobseekers as well.

      • @kevinm and @michael thank you both for your input! I think it will be interesting because it’s a community that’s constantly changing. People seek and then gain employment, so there’s a lot of movement in and out of the community. And different job seekers’ needs will vary so much, so there will be a broad range of information needs all with a common goal of eventually getting a job.

    • @agroves I like your topic, and it sounds like it will help you for your future career! One thing I thought of is to also research about “major life transitions” or “career transitions”, and it might lead you to more insight on your information community. It might extend your search some more, but it might also retrieve info from other disciplines — which would still be useful!