Hello all – There may be a little issue with our WP install. School IT is aware and will be back on it. For now – all the course blog posts are here: https://infocom.hyperlib.sjsu.edu/posts/
Module 0 includes helpful information to set you on the right path for success in INFO 200. Start here – Getting Started in INFO 200 Module Videos and More and at the bottom of that page you will see a link to the next item. Please work through this module to prepare for Module 1 on […]
Hello all – I hope you are settling in well. Some news for the semester: Class Social Time & Chats: Occasionally throughout the semester, we will have class chats on Zoom. These are optional “drop-in” sessions for students to ask questions, share or just chat. There are no mandatory sessions, but students are encouraged to […]
Start here! Greetings all! Welcome to INFO 200 Information Communities Section 02! This course focuses outward on the people librarians and information professionals serve, those who are creating, using and sharing information. Framing the course as outward-facing reflects exactly how our graduates and information professionals should view the world. Instead of putting the library in the center, […]
Greetings all! Here are some Action Items to get us started with INFO 200. If you haven’t already create your account on our section site (that’s here!): Start here: https://infocom.hyperlib.sjsu.edu/register/ Fill in your name, username, e-mail, and create a strong password. You are free to use a pseudonym, but please tell me who you are! Note: your […]
Greetings to everyone in my INFO 200 Section – We’re going to create an OPML* file for our course blogs so you can add them easily to Feedly or some other aggregator/reader to monitor our course. As noted in the getting started posts, you will also be using your blog created for INFO 203 for reflection blogging […]