Author Archives: Michael Stephens

About Michael Stephens

Dr. Michael Stephens is an Assistant Professor in the School of Library and Information Science at San Jose State University. His research focuses on use of emerging technologies in libraries and technology learning programs. He currently writes the monthly column “Office Hours” in Library Journal exploring issues, ideas and emerging trends in library and information science education. Stephens has spoken about emerging technologies, innovation, and libraries to audiences in over 26 states and in nine countries. He is fascinated by library buildings and virtual spaces that center around users, participation, creating content, and encouraging the heart. As a professional he worked 15 years in public libraries.

Important: Surveys & Interviews

Dear INFO 200 Students, We wanted to provide some important clarifications in response to a recent question about whether students in INFO 200 can interview or survey members of their chosen communities. Please note that you should not create or use any form of data gathering tools—such as surveys or formal interviews—for any assignments in […]

Welcome to Module 3: Information Seeking Behavior

Welcome to Module 3! Information – creation, accession, consumption, and dissemination – pervades everything we do and is a foundational characteristic of information communities. From studying the information seeking behaviors of varied and diverse populations to analyzing information activities in online settings, the importance of the exchange is foundational to understanding libraries, emerging information technologies […]

Class Social Time Sunday Noon PT

Occasionally throughout the semester, we will have class chats on Zoom. These are optional “drop-in” sessions for students to ask questions, share or just chat. There are no mandatory sessions, but students are encouraged to attend if schedules allow. It will be a way for us to check and keep in touch. All sessions will […]

University Writing Center Sessions

All — Effective and polished graduate level writing is an important part of INFO 200. The quality of your writing is a substantial part of how I’ll assess your major assignments. I encourage you to write first drafts ahead of deadline so you’ll have ample time revise and improve your papers. The SJSU Writing Center […]