Updated: Course Requirements & Keeping Up

Hey all – I will be reading your Blog Report #2 posts this week. I am excited to read about your communities. Here are some thoughts for going forward:

As we go deeper into the semester, please make sure you pay close attention to the course schedule and due dates. I do not want to see anyone get behind. Each assignment builds on the next and the writing requirements are rigorous.  It is essential that you keep steady attention to the course blog, to the modules, to the readings, and the assignments. I appreciate all of the participation, messages and interaction from you all.

Success in this course is based on the expectation that students will spend, for each unit of credit, a minimum of forty-five hours over the length of the course.

This is one of the most important pages of the site:


Hints for Keeping Up 

Keep up with the flow of the course  via various channels. Use an RSS Reader (Feedly, Netvibes) and the class feeds or use this simple workflow:

1) Check the section site daily: https://infocom.hyperlib.sjsu.edu The most important announcements from me will be here. Read all the posts you have not seen. Be sure to login to take advantage of commenting features and activity streams.

2) Peruse the latest activity daily: https://infocom.hyperlib.sjsu.edu/community/activity/

3) See if there’s anything new in your groups by clicking Activity –> Groups (Everything).

4) Use the OPML file and Feedly (or the reader of your choice) to see your classmates’ blogs or list them via the OPML post!

For more on the points devoted to engagement and participation: https://infocom.hyperlib.sjsu.edu/commenting-engagement-and-participation/


Assignment Deadlines

All assignments are due on Sundays and must be turned in by 11:59 p.m PT
.  Late submissions will be reduced by 20% of the total points possible for that assignment.

The research paper will be due on a FRIDAY this semester to give you more time to refine your academic writing.

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