Valuable Blog Resource Hello everyone, A big shout-out to former INFO 298 student David Vargas for creating an incredibly useful guide on how to maximize the potential of your blog for our course. This resource is now available to all sections of INFO 200 this semester, and I highly recommend downloading it via the […]
Greetings all — Please say hello to @anniemiz & @turnaroundbriteeyes and please add their URLs to your Feedly:
Hey all – thanks to everyone who came to the session today! So many good questions!
Hey all say hello to @finchwell @majerlesimpler and @ssherwo Please add: To add: Copy the URL and click on the icon for adding + a feed on the left hand side of Feedly. Paste the URL in and follow. Add it to the group for for our class.
Greetings all! A reminder: Throughout the semester, we will have some class chats. Sunday is our first one! All sessions will be recorded. The following are scheduled:
All — Effective and polished graduate level writing is an important part of INFO 200. The quality of your writing is a substantial part of how I’ll assess your major assignments. I encourage you to write first drafts ahead of deadline so you’ll have ample time revise and improve your papers. The SJSU Writing Center […]
Hello everyone! We just finished the OPML for all the blog URLs.
Hey all – Here is a breakdown of some important policies etc for class. Late Policy: If you need to turn in an assignment late (for any reason), you must write to me before the deadline at If you do not write before the deadline, late submissions for major assignments will be reduced by […]
Occasionally throughout the semester, we will have class chats on Zoom. These are optional “drop-in” sessions for students to ask questions, share or just chat. There are no mandatory sessions, but students are encouraged to attend if schedules allow. It will be a way for us to check and keep in touch. All sessions will […]
Hello all – There may be a little issue with our WP install. School IT is aware and will be back on it. For now – all the course blog posts are here: