
Module 13: Emerging Technologies

This week we will explore the impact of emerging technologies on information communities. Over the past few years the Web has significantly changed. It has rebooted and has become more engaging for users. A confluence of technological advances has led to our current landscape of learning and information use by communities. The creation of global networks, paired with enhancements to networking technology and the evolution of devices, has created a perfect storm of change. Mobile technology, access to social media, and widespread wireless access to the Internet are creating new forms of self-expression and conversation. Wade Roush (2005) labeled this phenomenon “continuous computing.” This concept describes how people access and share information and how they utilize constantly updating devices to form and maintain information communities. In simple terms, the Internet (extended by WiFi transmission capabilities, increasingly powerful cellular networks, and mobile devices) allows for anytime, anywhere information access. This module will introduce you to the Horizon Report and Pew Research’s Internet & Technology website. This week, we will explore how people use information technologies in everyday life.

For this week’s module, spend 2-3 hours exploring and reading the resources under “Things to Explore.” Spend time looking at the Horizon Report,  Pew Internet and Technology studies, interactive pages, etc. While doing this, try to look for connections between Horizon and Pew Research and your information community. Bring in ideas/findings/statistics from these resources, along with your own research, as you design an artifact related to your information community’s use of emerging technologies or the internet.

Things to Explore:

Click here to explore resources for Module Thirteen.


Roush, W. (2005). Social Machines. MIT Technology Review. Retrieved July 7, 2022, from https://www.technologyreview.com/2005/08/01/39676/social-machines/

Next: Module 14: Expanding Roles


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