Hey all say hello to @finchwell @majerlesimpler and @ssherwo Please add: https://ischoolblogs.sjsu.edu/info/finchwell/ https://ischoolblogs.sjsu.edu/info/majerlesimpler/ https://ischoolblogs.sjsu.edu/info/thewynterwild/ To add: Copy the URL and click on the icon for adding + a feed on the left hand side of Feedly. Paste the URL in and follow. Add it to the group for for our class.
Greetings all! A reminder: Throughout the semester, we will have some class chats. Sunday is our first one! All sessions will be recorded. The following are scheduled:
Hello everyone – I wanted to send out a reminder of key items related to graduate work and this course from the Getting Started Module. We are heading into an important phase of the class staring with a deep dive into research and information behavior theory. Course Requirements The School requires that students earn a […]
All — Effective and polished graduate level writing is an important part of INFO 200. The quality of your writing is a substantial part of how I’ll assess your major assignments. I encourage you to write first drafts ahead of deadline so you’ll have ample time revise and improve your papers. The SJSU Writing Center […]
Hello everyone! We just finished the OPML for all the blog URLs.
Hey all – Here is a breakdown of some important policies etc for class. Late Policy: If you need to turn in an assignment late (for any reason), you must write to me before the deadline at michael.t.stephens@sjsu.edu. If you do not write before the deadline, late submissions for major assignments will be reduced by […]
Occasionally throughout the semester, we will have class chats on Zoom. These are optional “drop-in” sessions for students to ask questions, share or just chat. There are no mandatory sessions, but students are encouraged to attend if schedules allow. It will be a way for us to check and keep in touch. All sessions will […]
Greetings all! Module 1 begins today. This module explores the nature of information, definitions of community, and how communities form around information and knowledge sharing/creation.
Hey all – Here is the prompt for the first Blog Report: Blog Post #1: Introduce yourself by describing an information community in which you belong… The community description can be as creative as you want it to be. It can be written as a straight-forward textual description — or it can even be presented as […]
Hello all – There may be a little issue with our WP install. School IT is aware and will be back on it. For now – all the course blog posts are here: https://infocom.hyperlib.sjsu.edu/posts/