Hey all say hello to @finchwell @majerlesimpler and @ssherwo
Please add:
To add: Copy the URL and click on the icon for adding + a feed on the left hand side of Feedly. Paste the URL in and follow. Add it to the group for for our class.
Hello! I’m attempting to add these three new blogs to the class group on Feedly and have a few questions: 1. When I copy/paste one of the blog URLs, Feedly tells me I need to upgrade to follow. Do I need to purchase a Feedly account to add websites to follow (in addition to the OPML for INFO 200)? Also, 2. Once I’m able to add these three new blogs, will I be able to edit the folder “SP 2025 INFO 200 Stephens” containing the OPML I imported into my Feedly? Thanks!
@elenaloper Feedly should allow you 100 feeds I believe before there is an upgrade. Do you have a lot of feeds already in Feedly? It might be the issue and I don’t want anyone to pay any money to use these tools.
Yes, once everything is settled with Feedly and again don’t pay any money. You can add the names into that group from the instructions I posted above.
Thank you, Dr. Stephens! When I attempt to add any of the blogs, Feedly says “upgrade to follow.” I haven’t added any feeds except for the OPML data from INFO 202. Thanks! Is it possible to comment with an image on WP? I have a screenshot.
Hi! Never mind, was able to figure it out! I accidentally attempted to add these blogs via the “power search,” which required an upgrade.. When I searched for the blog via “follow sources,” I was able to successfully add the blog(s) to the “SP 2025 INFO 200 Stephens folder” – thanks!
@elenaloper Excellent… nice troubleshooting. I did not know about that feature.