Blog Report Grading & More

Some thoughts for you all related to a question I had about our Blog Report assignment as you work on Blog Report #3 & #4 and beyond.

  • Start getting very serious about weaving your peer reviewed sources and studies you are finding into your posts. That will set you up to have draft chunks of your paper.
  • Utilizing a more formal voice will prepare you for the scholarly written work you will do the rest of the semester.
  • Be sure to use the proper APA citation method in text: i.e. Stephens (2016) explored the benefits of blogging platforms for LIS students…
  • Don’t fret about APA formatting not being perfect in WP – ideas and synthesis of your research is more important.
  • Download and use the “Making the Most of Your Blog” document: MakingMostBlogINFO200 _StudentsGuide
  • Professional articles  and media are super useful as well but do not carry the weight of research-based sources. Use them to support your ideas, but be sure the scholarly approaches are predominant.
  • Review Module 2 as needed for information on sources, etc.

Here is a PDF that breaks down how your Blog Reports will be graded:

Blog Reports 2 – 7: INFO200_Criteria_for_Grading_Blog_Reports

Blog Reports 1 & 8: INFO 200 Criteria for Grading Blog Reports 1 & 8

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