Hey all – Here is a breakdown of some important policies etc for class.
Late Policy:
If you need to turn in an assignment late (for any reason), you must write to me before the deadline at michael.t.stephens@sjsu.edu.
- If you do not write before the deadline, late submissions for major assignments will be reduced by 20% of the total points possible for that assignment.
- There is more flexibility with Blog Reports. They can be up to 3 days late.
All assignments must be in the last day of class.
Deadlines for Major Assignments from Course Schedule:
- LIS Model/Theory Research Summary DUE: 2/23
- Information Sources Survey: DUE: 3/23
- Literature Review Matrix: DUE: 4/13
- Research Paper: DUE: 5/09
Viewing My Comments in Canvas Gradebook:
You can see my comments on the Grades page. Most comments are located in the assignment sidebar after the rubric.
Emailing Guidelines:
I am teaching multiple classes this semester and want to ensure no emails get missed. Please follow these guidelines when emailing:
- Clearly state your name, class, and section.
- As we get further into the semester, please remind me of your information community.
- If I receive the same question more than three times, I will address it in the class blog posts here on our section site.