Welcome to Module 6: Research-based Information Resources

This week, we explore the many types of research-based information sources and their various uses.

Action Items:

Class Assignment Chats:

Students are encouraged to attend if schedules allow. The session will be recorded.

Blog Report Due Dates: (See assignment page for full descriptors.)

  • Blog Post #3: Report on the information-seeking behavior and information needs of chosen community. DUE: 10/06
  • Blog Post #4: Summarize one of the peer-reviewed articles relating to your information community you’ve found. DUE: 10/13
  • Blog Post #5: Explore how libraries and information centers create learning and programming opportunities for your chosen community. DUE: 11/10 
  • Blog Post #6: Report on the issues your community may face on an international scale. DUE: 11/17
  • Blog Post #7: Report on your community’s use of emerging technologies. DUE: 11/24
  • Blog Post #8: Personal reflection on information communities. DUE: 12/09
Major Assignment Due Dates: 

Ongoing Throughout Semester: Commenting, Engagement and Participation URL due 12/08


  • Blog Post #4: Summarize one of the peer-reviewed articles relating to your information community you’ve found. DUE: 3/10
  • Blog Post #5: Explore how libraries and information centers create learning and programming opportunities for your chosen community. DUE: 4/21 
  • Blog Post #6: Report on the issues your community may face on an international scale. DUE: 4/28
  • Blog Post #7: Report on your community’s use of emerging technologies. DUE: 5/05
  • Blog Post #8: Personal reflection on information communities. DUE: 5/13
Major Assignment Due Dates: 

Ongoing Throughout Semester: Commenting, Engagement and Participation URL due 5/13

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