
Blog Report #1 – Introducing Yourself and an Information Community

Hey all – Here is the prompt for the first Blog Report:

Blog Post #1: Introduce yourself by describing an information community in which you belong… The community description can be as creative as you want it to be. It can be written as a straight-forward textual description — or it can even be presented as a narrative in an imaginative story, photographic journey, digital artwork, video/vlog, or audio podcast. Share whatever information you would like about your community, utilizing whatever medium helps you to highlight your own personal interests and passions. Utilize resources in Module 1 to get started. 

The concept of information communities may be very new to you. Do not not fret! As you work through my lecture and the resources, think about an information community you belong to. I am involved in the information communities related to Fleetwood Mac fans.  If I was writing an intro post I might focus on what the internet has done to the fandom… years ago, it was printed fanzines mailed to subscribers, now it’s Facebook groups etc. Think about how you get information, how you share it, how it flows, etc.

Note: the community you highlight in this post does not have to be the one you choose for the semester’s work. That choice will be made via research, participation in the “Choosing Your Community” group, and more exploration of the coming modules.

Also – information communities come in all shapes and sizes, not just fandom type things. Check out the assignment synthesis examples to see what students have focused on.

Blog Report Submission:

  • Each of the eight required blog posts will be posted by the prescribed due date on one’s WordPress blog site. 
  • Submit each Blog Report URL to Canvas on the due date.
  • Blog posts must be at least 300 words in length. 
  • Note: WordPress does not allow one easily to add a “hanging indent” for references listed in APA 7 format.  
  • All assignments are due on Sundays unless otherwise noted and must be turned in by 11:59 p.m. PT. 
  • If life circumstances require students to request an extension, please do so several days before the assignment is due or as soon as possible. 


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