A helpful comparison developed by a student in INFO 200 a few semesters ago that can guide you as you select your resources:
Greetings all. There’s been a lot of discussion about artificial intelligence of late and I know we have that conference up-and-coming in a couple of days. Here is something that was shared in a recent faculty technology section. Notebook LM from Google actually allows users to upload an article or some such and create a […]
Module 7 can be found here. This module explores community-created information communities and how libraries are working with these groups to enhance services. This module will frame your explorations of community-based resources for future assignments.
Hello all. I hope you’re having a good weekend. I wanted to let you know that we have finished the work combining the literature review matrix assignment with the helper document. You will find that on the assignment page here at our WordPress site. I want to point your attention to something new in the […]
Hey all – You may find Pew Research or Pew Internet & Tech very useful for your community descriptions in the formal assignments. Their research can be very useful for background and supporting demographic data, data on technology use and access, etc. For example: http://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2018/11/30/key-findings-about-u-s-immigrants/
This guide will help you get started with the Information Sources Survey assignment:
Thanks to all who attended! We covered a lot of ground with the Sources Survey, LRM and more. I hope the questions highlighted the way to navigate the assignments to culminate at the research paper. Please be sure to view this recording for a deep dive on the assignments.
This week, we explore the many types of research-based information sources and their various uses.
From LIS professor Dr. Jenna Hartel – The second episode of the *Information and Leisure* video series focuses entirely on the concept of leisure and a theoretical framework of leisure known as the Serious Leisure Perspective, or SLP. After defining leisure, the SLP’s key concepts are introduced and illustrated, namely: casual leisure, serious leisure, devotee […]
Greetings all – The Writing Center created the Grad Writer Toolbox.It my be helpful as you continue to work on your academic writing. Find it here: https://sites.google.com/sjsu.edu/gradwritertoolbox