Blog Report #1, Getting to Know You & Updates

Greetings all! I finished reading and commenting on all of your Blog Report #1 entries. I was happy to read about all of the different information communities that are part of your lives. I went to the grade book and gave everyone that submitted their URLs 2 points.

Please note: the rest of the Blog reports and your formal assignments should be academic in tone and utilize citations. Kudos to those who cited our early readings!

I will share this information again as it will be in place for the rest of the semester regarding Blog Reports:

Action Items:

  • Be sure to look at the Assignment Helper for insights and details on writing each post.
  • Please submit your URLs to Canvas for grading by the due dates.

Due Dates:

  • Blog Post #1: Introduce yourself. DUE: 9/01
  • Blog Post #2: Describe the Information Community you are choosing to explore for the course and the research paper. DUE: 9/15
  • Blog Post #3: Report on the information-seeking behavior and information needs of chosen community. DUE: 10/06
  • Blog Post #4: Summarize one of the peer-reviewed articles relating to your information community you’ve found. DUE: 10/13
  • Blog Post #5: Explore how libraries and information centers create learning and programming opportunities for your chosen community. DUE: 11/10 
  • Blog Post #6: Report on the issues your community may face on an international scale. DUE: 11/17
  • Blog Post #7: Report on your community’s use of emerging technologies. DUE: 11/24
  • Blog Post #8: Personal reflection on information communities. DUE: 12/09

Image: So many stories! ❤️

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