This is the first of several “Getting Started posts. This one will help you with Choosing Your Community:
Greetings all! I had a question about how our INFO 200 Course Learning Outcomes align with the School of Information’s Core Competencies Former 200 students created this Infographic for INFO 200 for us. It’s super cool. Be sure to start saving all of your assignments for the e-portfolio option. My advice: save everything! 🙂
Greetings all in my section! Please see below and take a look at the updated assignment for the LIS Model/Theory assignment. I will alert you as each major assignment helpers are combined into the assignment pages. Post questions below. Image: the winter weather just keeps coming in northern Michigan Dear INFO 200 Students, I’m writing […]
Greetings all – After your Introductory post, your next five blog entries are an important part of the Blog Reports assignment. As noted in our getting started posts, you will use your blog on the Community Site blogging platform in this class. The posts will include substantial content, citations, and reflective thinking. These blog posts should […]
Greetings all! I finished reading and commenting on all of your Blog Report #1 entries. I was happy to read about all of the different information communities that are part of your lives. I went to the grade book and gave everyone that submitted their URLs 2 points. Please note: the rest of the Blog […]
Hey all – Everyone has an @username at this site and on the Community Site. Mine in both places is @Michael. You can use that to reply to me. If I used your @username in my comments on your Blog Report #1, you probably received a notification from the system. Some blog themes make the […]
Valuable Blog Resource Hello everyone, A big shout-out to former INFO 298 student David Vargas for creating an incredibly useful guide on how to maximize the potential of your blog for our course. This resource is now available to all sections of INFO 200 this semester, and I highly recommend downloading it via the […]
You will need Chapters 4, 5, 6, 16, 19, & 20 from Information Services Today. Textbook Access Information: Throughout this course you will need to access and read a variety of chapters from the textbook Information Services Today: an Introduction (2022), which is edited by Dr. Sandra Hirsh. Through the King Library’s website, you can […]
Greetings all — Please say hello to @anniemiz & @turnaroundbriteeyes and please add their URLs to your Feedly:
Hey all – thanks to everyone who came to the session today! So many good questions!