Welcome to Module 2: Researching Information Communities

This week’s module introduces you to graduate-level writing and research in the LIS discipline.  In addition to the the Things to Read, Things to Explore, and Things to View, it is broken into two key parts: Part 1: Identifying Information Sources and Part 2: Academic Writing Conventions and APA Style.

Everyone should be settling in on our two WordPress sites. This one is our course site just for our section. The other is the full Community Site, where you’ll be blogging.

Please read this important post about graduate work in this course.

Class Social Time & Chats:

Occasionally throughout the semester, we will have class chats on Zoom. These are optional “drop-in” sessions for students to ask questions, share or just chat. There are no mandatory sessions, but students are encouraged to attend if schedules allow. It will be a way for us to check and keep in touch. All sessions will be recorded. The following are scheduled:

Action Items:

  • For this site: If you haven’t added a profile pic or avatar, please do so by editing your Profile under the top right-hand menu on our site. Remember: you can use any image to represent yourself in class. I’d also suggest doing it at the Community Site as well.
  • Be sure you are logged into to our section site to make use of all of the social and commenting features. There will many opportunities to discuss assignments forthcoming.
  • Try using an @username to give another classmate a shout out or send me a public thought with @michael. See this page for more info
  • Do not miss the “Getting Started” for Choosing Your Community. Read this helper post and related links closely.

Blog Report Due Dates: (See assignment page for full descriptors.)

  • Blog Post #2: Describe the Information Community you are choosing to explore for the course and the research paper. DUE: 9/15
  • Blog Post #3: Report on the information-seeking behavior and information needs of chosen community. DUE: 10/06
  • Blog Post #4: Summarize one of the peer-reviewed articles relating to your information community you’ve found. DUE: 10/13
  • Blog Post #5: Explore how libraries and information centers create learning and programming opportunities for your chosen community. DUE: 11/10 
  • Blog Post #6: Report on the issues your community may face on an international scale. DUE: 11/17
  • Blog Post #7: Report on your community’s use of emerging technologies. DUE: 11/24
  • Blog Post #8: Personal reflection on information communities. DUE: 12/09
Major Assignment Due Dates: 

Ongoing Throughout Semester: Commenting, Engagement and Participation URL due 12/08

Late Policy:

If you need to turn in an assignment late (for any reason), you must write to me before the deadline at mstephens7@mac.com.

  • If you do not write before the deadline, late submissions for major assignments will be reduced by 20% of the total points possible for that assignment.
  • There is more flexibility with Blog Reports. They can be up to 3 days late.


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